Data integration

A modern data platform

We will collaborate with you to define the best data architecture and approach for your large and complex source systems, challenges and requirements - presenting only the relevant technologies that help you create agile data pipelines, specific to each business use-case. Here are three key benefits of data integration:

Increased accuracy and trust: Data integration provides a reliable, accurate, and governed "one source of truth" to eliminate errors and uncertainties in your datasets.

More data-driven & collaborative decision-making: Centralising transformed data promotes analysis engagement and interdepartmental collaboration by providing accessible, analytics-ready information across the organisation.

Increased efficiency: Analysts, development and IT teams are able to devote their time and energy to strategic initiatives instead of being bogged down by the manual tasks of collecting and preparing data or creating individual connections and customised reports.

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Integration helps businesses succeed

Your business is likely facing the challenge of managing and analysing a vast amount of data, spanning across different formats and storage platforms. In order to thrive in this dynamic and hybrid computing landscape, enterprises require a robust data integration platform that not only supports diverse data types but also streamlines the development of data pipelines.

It's then no surprise that data integration is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The right approach varies depending on specific business needs. That's why we offer a comprehensive solution that combines rapid data integration, transformation, and mapping, along with automated quality checks to ensure the integrity of your data at every step. With our data integration framework, businesses can stay competitive in the fast-paced world of a real-time economy.

How we deliver a unified approach to Data Integration

Data Ingestion

When we first engage with customers, we like to get an understanding of your data landscape and strategy, such as source systems and targets.

During this phase, we will help you navigate the available approaches to moving data from a variety of sources to a storage location such as a data warehouse or data lake.

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Ingestion can be streamed in real time or in batches and typically includes cleaning and standardising the data to be ready for a data analytics tool.

Examples of data ingestion include migrating your data to the cloud or building a data warehouse, data lake or data lakehouse.

Data Replication

For certain clients, we recognise the requirement to replicate data from their source systems to a designated data storage destination.

This need often arises due to the immense pressure exerted by the business when performing analytics and reporting tasks, which can potentially cause harm. 

Additionally, the source system may prove to be inefficient in simultaneously processing ongoing transactions and fulfilling reporting requests.

To address this, we implement a data replication process that involves copying and transferring data from one system to another. For instance, data may be moved from a database located in a data centre to a data warehouse in the cloud. This ensures that the accurate information is securely backed up and synchronised for operational purposes.

Data Warehouse Automation

Data Warehouse AutomationAfter liberating the data from intricate source systems, our primary objective is to expedite the availability of data that is primed for analytics. We achieve this by implementing an automated data warehouse lifecycle, adopting a modern approach that optimises both creation and operation.

Through the automation of warehouse design, ETL code generation, and seamless updates, we leverage industry best practices. This efficient process dramatically reduces time, costs, and risks, ensuring the timely delivery of an agile data warehouse:

  • Intelligent model-driven workflow
  • Automated ETL, field set and data mart script generation
  • Rollout change management and propagation

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Schedule a Demo

What can you expect?

In short, we offer a simple, honest and interactive demo.

A typical agenda:

  • Introductions (5 minutes)
  • What are your current challenges (5 minutes)
  • High-level slides inc. pricing (5 minutes)
  • Product demo and continuous Q&A (40 minutes)


  • An in-depth technical demo
  • A link to pricing and a bespoke proposal

But, this is your meeting, your time, so feel free to focus us on what you need from the call.


Why Ometis?

We're experts in the full end-to-end data workflow

Qlik Elite Solution Provider

The UK's Largest Dedicated Elite Qlik Partner

With a team of highly skilled and certified consultants specialising in Qlik, we guarantee that you will gain valuable insights and experience the efficiency and reliability with which we complete projects.

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We take great pride in our customer-centric approach, offering flexibility and pragmatism in every interaction. We are committed to working on your terms, in the capacity that best suits your needs, to maximise your success.

A Full Range of Professional Services

A Full Range of
Professional Services

Your one-stop shop for all data services:

  • Data Engineering
  • Data Integration
  • Data Visualisation
  • Data Science
  • Project Management

Qlik Fundamentals Training Badge

A Catalogue of Up-to-Date
Qlik Training Courses

With a former Qlik trainer in the team, we've written an entire catalogue of courses to get you up-to-speed with the Qlik platform, as well as educating users on the fundamentals of data literacy. Our courses are always kept up-to-date and relevant.

UK Dedicated Support Desk

UK Dedicated
Support Desk

Qlik isn't just part of our business, it's the whole business. Every member of our support team are certified on the Qlik platform. We'll advise on best practices, help diagnose bugs, and take a proactive stance towards a fast resolution. We are the go-to partner for Qlik support.

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to Source
and Target Systems

We embrace the diversity of source and target systems, adapting seamlessly to the ones you use or have in mind for the future. Our dedicated team will accompany you on your data journey, guaranteeing we accomplish the desired business outcomes you have established.

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